Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)

We Need to Talk About Cultural Appropriation

Cultural appropriation is a hot topic that constantly finds itself in the spotlight. But could this be a topic that has been blow out of proportion? SMU law undergraduates, Kara Quek and Emelia Kwa share their opinions.

My Law Study Mission Hong Kong Style

Singapore has often been likened to Hong Kong, given its many similarities as bustling city-states. However, Law undergraduate, Pearlynn Wang, discovered that there was much more complexities and peculiarities to be learnt about Hong Kong, aside from its ... Read More

Ask a student: Why SMU School of Law?

Even the most seasoned lawyers may involuntarily shudder at the memory of their sleep-deprived law school years. The competitive environment is legendary, too. And yet, every batch of SMU law graduates will tell you that law school was the best four years of ... Read More

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