Tag Archives: School of Social Sciences

Insights From an Insider: Christine Tan 

Christine Tan
Through SMU-X, SMU’s award-winning experiential learning framework, Social Sciences undergraduate Christine Tan has become more confident in tackling projects at work. Learn more about her transformative journey at SMU!

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Irdina Jayni 

From engaging in thought-provoking conversations to capturing the beauty of insects through art, incoming Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology, Political Science and Sociology) undergraduate Irdina Jayni is fuelled by a boundless curiosity.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2022 – Ng Ka Mun

Ng Ka Mun
Despite having to cope with the challenges of dyslexia, Temasek Junior College alumna Ng Ka Mun has thrived in academic environments. Learn more from the avid crocheter and hobbyist artist on what she hopes to achieve at SMU.

How To Bid Like a BOSS

BOSS Bidding
Unlike at other unis where class enrollment is typically a mundane exercise, you’ll be forgiven if you mistake the same process at SMU for a secret auction with all the bidding that takes place. Read on to find out how you can master BOSS bidding at SMU while bidding like a ... Read More

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