Tag Archives: global exposure

Insights From an Insider: Andrew Lee 

Andrew Lee
As an introvert, SMU’s seminar-style classes have pushed Andrew Lee out of his comfort zone. Learn more about how SMU has helped the School of Accountancy student grow and prepare for his career.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Irdina Jayni 

From engaging in thought-provoking conversations to capturing the beauty of insects through art, incoming Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology, Political Science and Sociology) undergraduate Irdina Jayni is fuelled by a boundless curiosity.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Joseph Khoo 

Behind his easy-going exterior lies a fierce passion for sports that has helped him overcome a serious physical injury. Meet incoming Bachelor of Science in Economics undergraduate Joseph Khoo to learn how SMU appeals to him.

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