Monthly Archives: April 2018

OPINION: Regardless of Race or Religion

Singapore has always taken pride in its multiculturalism. And yet, the concerns of xenophobia is very much alive. SMU Law undergrad Farahna Alam sheds light on the lives of one such minority group—the Singaporean Bengalis.

Human Resource Leaders: Making a Great Place to Work?

Professor Richard Smith
How do ‘great’ workplaces manage an almost impossible equilibrium of keeping satisfaction and motivation up, without sacrificing performance? Prof Richard Smith shares the insights behind making a 'Great Place to Work'.

‘Nudging’ Consumers to Reduce Plastic Waste

Singapore produces more than 800k tonnes of plastic waste a year, with only a fraction recycled. SMU Assoc Prof Hannah Chang suggests that a simple nudge could bring about a significant behavioural shift.

When AI Met Blockchain: A Coming of Two Powers

Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) may both be hot topics right now, but that's where their similarities end. What happens when the two meet? Will there be convergence or collision?

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