Tag Archives: LKCSB

My SMU Business Freshman Year: Norman Tay

Caught between his interest in two undergrad programme offers, SMU Business freshman Norman Tay had a tough decision to make. At the end of the day, it all came down to planning for the future.

Is Asia Creatively Challenged?

Asia isn't quite the hottest home to innovations these days—and it seems that culture might be related to this, says SMU Assoc Prof Roy Chua.

To Win on Kickstarter, Don’t Look Too Innovative

Creators are taking to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter to help turn their ideas into a real business. But are crowds really better than traditional funding bodies at identifying what is truly innovative?

An Open Letter to Incoming Freshmen. Signed, Sandra.

If you want to know what freshman year holds for you (or for your child), there's no one better to ask than Sandra Tan. Having just completed her first year, she shares what life at SMU holds for our incoming freshmen.

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