Tag Archives: LKCSB

Human Resource Leaders: Making a Great Place to Work?

Professor Richard Smith
How do ‘great’ workplaces manage an almost impossible equilibrium of keeping satisfaction and motivation up, without sacrificing performance? Prof Richard Smith shares the insights behind making a 'Great Place to Work'.

‘Nudging’ Consumers to Reduce Plastic Waste

Singapore produces more than 800k tonnes of plastic waste a year, with only a fraction recycled. SMU Assoc Prof Hannah Chang suggests that a simple nudge could bring about a significant behavioural shift.

Can Passion Pay the Rent?

While plunging straight into the corporate world is probably the next step for most people after graduation, the traditional career path isn't for everyone. Can there be a future chasing your passion?

F&N Intern’s First Business Trip to Myanmar

It's not every day that an overseas opportunity presents itself during an internship. For SMU Business undergrad Seet Joon Hau, when F&N offered him the chance, he grabbed it without hesitation.

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