Insights from an Insider – Bharat Gangwani

By the SMU Digital Marketing Team

It takes more than deep domain knowledge to excel in the workplace today. To maintain an active talent pool, employers are on the lookout for candidates with soft skills such as adaptability, analytical abilities, as well as interpersonal and communication skills.

SMU inculcates all these, and more, through its unique pedagogy, says SMU School of Economics student Bharat Gangwani.

Currently a Data Science Intern at United Overseas Bank, Bharat shares that his team regularly holds work discussions. He says, “Being from SMU, which offers immense opportunities to have your voice heard and questions answered in classrooms, has helped me to be more proactive in such discussion sessions.”


Bharat (2nd row, 2nd from left) with his CCA mates in the 1st Executive Committee (EXCO) of the SMU Data Science and Analytics (DSA) Society


His passion for data science is clear to see. Throughout his time at SMU, Bharat has relished the chances presented by the flexibility students are given to arrange their schedules, and has taken several internships in research and data-analysis roles. He was also the President of SMU’s Data Science & Analytics Society, as well as Research Head of the Economics Intelligence Club.

As an international student, Bharat is also a Resident Senior at Prinsep Street Residences, the campus residence.


Hi Bharat, firstly please share with us – what did you enjoy most about the Prinsep Street Residences?

The world is a massive place filled with diverse people who think very differently than you. Being able to live, learn and laugh with them over the course of my stay at Prinsep has been a wonderful experience.


What would you say is a uniquely SMU experience that you would not get elsewhere?

Studying at Li Ka Shing Library late at night with my friends, and then walking over to the Merlion Park, Clarke Quay, or even Fort Canning on a midnight stroll. SMU’s location definitely creates unique experiences.


Bharat (2nd from right) hanging out with his friends at the PSR


How has SMU challenged you both personally and academically?

I think SMU offers many really rigorous academic courses which I am grateful for. Professors are always open to questions, which they address in stimulating ways while encouraging me to look for my own answers.

Outside of the classroom, learning how to commit my time to sports, CCAs, academics and my social life is something that I am glad to say I have gotten better with during my time at SMU.


What’s a module that you feel has left a great impact on you?

Computational Thinking! The course is literally one of the best introductions to algorithms and making computers do things you want them to do faster and more efficiently. I took it in my first semester and it changed the course of my four years at SMU.

It taught me skills I could directly put to use in my daily and professional life. In my opinion, if you have the time and willingness to put in the work, this module is one of the most comprehensive introductions to good programming.


If you could go back in time, what is the one piece of advice you would have given your freshman self?

Be a risk-taker, but don’t forget to be kind to both yourself and the people around you.