Tag Archives: SOE

Insights From an Insider: Bharat Gangwani 

Bharat Gangwani
SMU, with its unique pedagogy, instils in its students unique qualities to equip them for the workplace, as affirmed by Bharat Gangwani, a graduating student from the School of Economics. Learn more about Bharat and his SMU transformative experience.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Joseph Khoo 

Behind his easy-going exterior lies a fierce passion for sports that has helped him overcome a serious physical injury. Meet incoming Bachelor of Science in Economics undergraduate Joseph Khoo to learn how SMU appeals to him.

Insights from an Insider – Bharat Gangwani

Bharat Gangwani
SMU, with its unique pedagogy, instils in students unique qualities to equip them for the workplace, as affirmed by Bharat Gangwani, an undergraduate with the School of Economics. Learn more about Bharat and his SMU experience here.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2023 – Rivaan Dhingra

With a passion for event planning, sports and economics, incoming SMU Bachelor of Science in Economics undergraduate Rivaan Dhingra looks forward to expanding his network while gaining practical skills for his future career.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2022 – John David

John David
Through learning more about wealth inequality over the course of his education and exposure to poverty in his homeland, Catholic Junior College alumnus John David hopes to find solutions to help mitigate the effects of poverty during his time here at SMU.

SMU Lingo: Demystified

Imagine being tasked to book a GSR on FBS to discuss the upcoming CSP – where do you even start? Fear not! Let this handy guide be the starting point of your SMU freshman life as we attempt to demystify some of the most commonly used SMU lingo for you.

Multidisciplinary Research and Its Real-world Impact

Instead of focusing on a single area of specialisation as do most PhD students, SMU School of Economics PhD student Bian Xueying took up the challenge of embarking on a multidisciplinary research in a bid to solve real-world issues.

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