Tag Archives: SMU Bachelor of Accountancy

Insights From an Insider: Andrew Lee 

Andrew Lee
As an introvert, SMU’s seminar-style classes have pushed Andrew Lee out of his comfort zone. Learn more about how SMU has helped the School of Accountancy student grow and prepare for his career.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Ng Zhe Bin 

Embracing SMU's interactive pedagogy, incoming Bachelor of Accountancy undergraduate Ng Zhe Bin is a staunch advocate of the seminar-style classes offered here. Delve into the unique passions of the self-professed introvert.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2023 – Benjamin Lee

National badminton player Benjamin Lee knows too well the thrill of competing and winning. Hear how the Singapore Sports School alumnus decided on SMU as his university of choice to satisfy his hunger for learning.

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