Tag Archives: faculty

Breathing New Life into Family Firms

Keeping the business in the family and family in the business. Will this help breath new life into businesses, or is the risk of intergenerational tension too high?

‘Nudging’ Consumers to Reduce Plastic Waste

Singapore produces more than 800k tonnes of plastic waste a year, with only a fraction recycled. SMU Assoc Prof Hannah Chang suggests that a simple nudge could bring about a significant behavioural shift.

Can Passion Pay the Rent?

While plunging straight into the corporate world is probably the next step for most people after graduation, the traditional career path isn't for everyone. Can there be a future chasing your passion?

The X factor in SMU-X

Would you rather be memorising case studies from a textbook or stepping out and learning through real-world opportunities? SMU-X Academic Director, Assoc Prof Gary Pan and SMU student Sean Lim share what the "X" in SMU-X really means.

To Win on Kickstarter, Don’t Look Too Innovative

Creators are taking to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter to help turn their ideas into a real business. But are crowds really better than traditional funding bodies at identifying what is truly innovative?

5 Questions for Data Scientist Dr Payas Gupta

SMU PhD in Information Systems alumnus, Dr Payas Gupta, talks about his award-winning research work on telephone honeypot (Phoneypot) and how his journey to becoming a research scientist at Pindrop.

Is Human Resources Becoming Less “Human”?

Human Resources' function may primarily be in dealing with people, but that is no excuse to lag behind in the technological revolution. We find out from Prof Rick Smith how the future of HR is changing.

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