Why I Chose SMU – Integrative Studies Undergraduate Roger Chua 

By the SMU Digital Marketing team

From its career-oriented focus to dynamic teaching styles and vibrant student culture, SMU offers a unique blend of opportunities that prepares students for success in the real world. Dive into the insights of Roger Chua, SMU College of Integrative Studies (CIS) undergraduate, as he reflects on his SMU experience and why he believes it’s the perfect university for anyone who aspires to be more. 


What made you choose SMU when you were deciding on a university?

As I weighed my options between SMU and another prestigious university, both boasting similar curriculum frameworks, SMU stood out for its reputation as a career-oriented institution. Understanding tertiary education as more than just acquiring knowledge, but also about preparing for the workforce, SMU’s focus on bridging academia with practical skills deeply resonated with me, ultimately making it my preferred choice. 


What is one quality that you have been able to nurture at SMU that would likely have a lasting impact in your life?

At SMU, initiative is ingrained in the student culture. Students actively seek, create, and share opportunities to enhance their employability. This proactive atmosphere encourages me to seize chances without overthinking, recognising that potential drawbacks associated with a decision that we hesitate on are often manageable. It motivates me to pursue opportunities that contribute to my long-term success. 


Roger (top row, 2nd from left) with his Connect China team that brings Chinese culture into the lives of the highly international SMU student population

Roger (top row, 2nd from left) with his Connect China team, which aims to introduce Chinese culture to the culturally diverse SMU student population


What sort of global exposure programmes do you plan to embark on?

I’m eager to participate in a Global Exchange or Summer Programme. With previous travels across Asia and New York, I aim to broaden my understanding by experiencing diverse cultures firsthand. As a student, I find it easier to engage with peers and gain insights from their perspectives. Additionally, I’m open to international internships, as they offer valuable exposure to corporate cultures and norms from a professional standpoint. 


How are you financing your education?

I am blessed to be a recipient of the SMU Global Impact Scholarship, which has allowed me to pursue my interests and contribute to the school without financial worry. The generous support for tuition and allowances motivates academic excellence, tied to a minimum GPA requirement. Unlike typical scholarships, this also extends partial funding for an SMU Master’s programme, encouraging future planning. I intend to pursue a Masters in Sustainability to complement my Bachelor of Integrative Studies (Individualised Major in Sustainable Businesses & Asian Culture). 


Roger (1st from right) enjoying the blend of creativity and culture at a Connect China event with friends across undergraduate and Masters programmes

Roger (1st from right) enjoying the blend of creativity and culture at a Connect China event with friends across undergraduate and Masters programmes


How has SMU prepared you for your career aspirations?

We receive a ton of career-related emails and Telegram updates from CCA groups and the SMU Offices. From career fairs and networking events to career talks, internship opportunities, and workshops, there’s always something happening. Whenever my schedule allows, I attend these events to gain real-world insights into my future field and connect with professionals for advice. Crafting my own CIS degree also means I need to verify job market demands, which chatting with industry experts helps clarify. 


Roger's quote



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