
Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Ng Zhe Bin 

Embracing SMU's interactive pedagogy, incoming Bachelor of Accountancy undergraduate Ng Zhe Bin is a staunch advocate of the seminar-style classes offered here. Delve into the unique passions of the self-professed introvert.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Loh Kar Wei 

Fresh from a two-year hiatus, tech entrepreneur Loh Kar Wei is set to embark on her Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) journey at SMU. Dive into her passions and discover the intriguing second major option she is considering.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU – Lai Teck Yong 

Lai Teck Yong, an incoming Bachelor of Science (Information Systems) undergraduate, is re-entering academia after dedicating years to the police force. Discover his aspirations and excitement for his journey ahead at SMU.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Joseph Khoo 

Behind his easy-going exterior lies a fierce passion for sports that has helped him overcome a serious physical injury. Meet incoming Bachelor of Science in Economics undergraduate Joseph Khoo to learn how SMU appeals to him.

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