Career: Planning / Preparation / Growth / Tips

#HI2020: Staying Hungry to Learn with Dilesh Kumar

Dilesh’s journey to land a job in his dream role of marketing has been a bumpy one, but the SMU Business alumnus is not giving up. Instead, he grabs hold of every available opportunity to learn and believes lifelong learning is now a necessity, ... Read More

#HI2020: Investing in Oneself with Farid Mohammad

If getting an internship offer in the midst of a global economic slowdown was hard, try having to turn down not one, but two offers. Yet, SMU Business student Farid Mohammad did just that so as to embark on his journey to self-discovery and ... Read More

#HI2020: Building a Business with Benjamin Wong

As Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc on economies, jobs are turning out to be the precious commodity of the day. Find out why SMU School of Economics alumnus Benjamin Wong took a giant leap of faith leaving his job to start career ... Read More

Serving the Homeless in Singapore

Year Two SMU Accountancy student Kenneth Wong spends his Friday evenings in a rather untypical fashion—helping ‘rough sleepers’ in Singapore. Here he shares his volunteering experience and his hopes to inspire volunteerism in Singapore.

Theodora Boo: Leading SEA’s First Student Venture Fund

When Theodora Boo witnessed first-hand how venture capitalists played a key role in a startup’s success, she was hooked. Learn how she first got her hands dirty in the world of venture capital, to leading SEA’s first student venture fund today.

Video Conferencing 101 in the New Normal

Thanks to our stint working-from-home, video conferencing is now a vital part of our daily work routine. To avoid committing a major faux pas at your next video call, here are some practical tips on how you can master video conferencing like a ... Read More

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Remote Internship

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Remote Internship
With most employees having to work from home this year, interns are no exception. In the absence of face time with your supervisors and co-workers, how do you get the most out of your remote internship?

Preventing and Reducing Burnout with Mindfulness

Ever tried pausing to take stock of your thoughts, feelings and environment when you feel completely overwhelmed at work? Associate Professor Jochen Reb of SMU’s Lee Kong Chian School of Business tells us how being mindful can help us cope with ... Read More

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