Career: Planning / Preparation / Growth / Tips

#HI2020: Bouncing Back Stronger with Anna Quang

Like many before her, SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business alumna, Anna Quang got a foot into the door of a tech firm even before graduation. But unlike her seniors, her plans of a smooth transition from graduation to first career ... Read More

#HI2020: Going the Extra Mile with Melvin Ng

Overseeing the welfare of workers living in a dormitory with one of the highest number of infected Covid-19 cases in Singapore is not a job for the weak. But Melvin Ng, SMU Social Sciences alumnus, had his head and heart in the right ... Read More

#HI2020: Taking Flight with Sean Tan

Through observing Singapore’s food waste, SMU Business alumnus Sean Tan wanted to find ways to convert that into an environmentally sustainable yet viable business. Find out how Black Soldier Flies play a part in tackling Singapore’s food ... Read More

#HI2020: Contact Tracing with Shawn Pang

As a contact tracer, SMU School of Computing and Information Systems undergraduate Shawn Pang played an active role in the control of the Covid-19 pandemic in Singapore.

#HI2020: Developing a Team with Yash Gadodia

Yash Gadodia
2020 was a busy year for SMU Year 3 Information Systems undergraduate Yash Gadodia. Identifying with the objectives of SMUMods, a review website for the SMU community, he inserted himself into the team and has since grown it into a 14-member operation.

#HI2020: Follow Your Heart with Chan Huang Suan

It takes considerable courage to leave a job you don’t identify with, especially amidst rising unemployment. SMU Bachelor in Science (IT) alumnus Chan Huang Suan took the plunge, and is today a step closer to his life goal, thanks to his new job.

#HI2020: A Journey of Growth with Lee Chaehyun

Lee Chaehyun
SMU Year 3 Business undergraduate Lee Chaehyun met with repeated rejections in her Summer 2020 internship search, no thanks to the pandemic. Undeterred, she took up a pro bono internship and found herself on a journey of growth and introspection.

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