Tag Archives: Law

Why I Chose SMU: Law Undergraduate Amar Pandey  

Amar Pandey
Discover how SMU Law student Amar Pandey's immersive experiences and international exposure are shaping his journey toward a successful career, guided by SMU's emphasis on real-world learning and comprehensive career support.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2023 – Darshan Ravujee

Incoming Bachelor of Science (Computing and Law) undergrad Darshan Ravujee loves exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. With a thirst for adventure, the Millennia Institute alumnus looks set to make the most of his time at SMU.

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2023 – Chua Jia Xuan

Incoming Law undergrad Chua Jia Xuan has her eye on the multidisciplinary approach to education offered at SMU. Learn how the SOTA graduate is seeking to make meaningful contributions in the legal field, while championing justice to contribute to a more ... Read More

Propelling Law Graduates into the Digital Era

In a digital age where it is no longer sufficient for legal professionals to simply be good counsels of the law, an SMU-X course is offered to prepare law graduates to stay ahead of the digital curve.

How Effective IP Management Can Help Your SME

Imagine developing and launching a new product or service in the market, only to have a competitor copy the same idea and launching it six months later? Fu Zhikang, a trainer at SMU Academy and an IP Strategist, shares his insights on why intellectual ... Read More

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