
Sailing for Singapore: Terena Lam

Team Singapore sailor Terena Lam first started sailing as a freshman in SMU. Four years on, she's representing Singapore at SEA Games 2015. Find out about her journey, and about the lessons that sailing has taught her.

Playing the Medici Trick to Innovate

There are many innovation challenges which cannot be solved by one scientific discipline alone, such as questions relating to health, energy, and climate change. Find out more about how the Medici Board Game can introduce people to the mind-set and logic of ... Read More

A cheat-sheet to SMU jargon

SMU Lingo
What's a faci and what do they do at FOC? Where are NAKA and the T-Junction? Don't worry if it's all alphabet soup to you right now: this guide will help you to make sense of SMU's unique lingo!

That beautiful freshman year

The start of university life brings about feelings of excitement and uncertainty. If you're wondering how it's all going to be like, your seniors will tell you that it's as uncertain as it gets. And guess what? That's where the fun is!

SMU: The Inside Scoop (Part 1)

In this post, you'll get an insider's take on everything that you wanted to know about SMU but weren't sure who to ask! Answers provided by our always-helpful SMU Ambassadorial Corps.

Kopi Tiams as Creative Incubators?

The humble kopi tiam has enormous potential to facilitate interaction, brainstorming and the creation of new knowledge. In this opinion piece by Prof Thomas Menkhoff, find out more about the kopi tiam's unique role in Singapore society.

Ask a student: Why SMU School of Information Systems?

The SMU School of Information Systems is all about the skills and knowledge required to leverage IT in business settings. Let our final-year student Ila Nitin Gokarn tell you why she chose to pursue this field of study at SMU.

All about being Little Miss Librarian

Did you know that the SMU Li Ka Shing Library employs students as library assistants? Take a sneak peek into the perks (and some minor pitfalls) that come with the job.

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