Tag Archives: SMU school of computing and information systems

#HI2020: Developing a Team with Yash Gadodia

Yash Gadodia
2020 was a busy year for SMU Year 3 Information Systems undergraduate Yash Gadodia. Identifying with the objectives of SMUMods, a review website for the SMU community, he inserted himself into the team and has since grown it into a 14-member operation.

Smart City Tools for Battling a Pandemic

Ranked as the smartest city in the world, the pressure was on for Singapore to leverage on smart technology to help fight the deadly pandemic known as Covid-19. A group of SMU Smart-City Management and Technology majors came together to ... Read More

#HI2020: Follow Your Heart with Chan Huang Suan

It takes considerable courage to leave a job you don’t identify with, especially amidst rising unemployment. SMU Bachelor in Science (IT) alumnus Chan Huang Suan took the plunge, and is today a step closer to his life goal, thanks to his new job.

Come on a Journey with SMU Virtual Open House 2021

Back virtually for the second year running, SMU’s signature open house event promises to take you on a journey to preview your university life at SMU—where students go on to become one of the most sought-after hires upon graduation.

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