Tag Archives: bachelor of science (information systems)

An Internship in the Blockchain Industry in China

Regina Liu
SMU undergraduate Regina Liu Yixuan has big dreams of a career in software engineering. Through the SMU Global Innovation Immersion programme, she landed her first internship in the blockchain industry. Read on to find out more about her role at a ... Read More

#HI2020: Developing a Team with Yash Gadodia

Yash Gadodia
2020 was a busy year for SMU Year 3 Information Systems undergraduate Yash Gadodia. Identifying with the objectives of SMUMods, a review website for the SMU community, he inserted himself into the team and has since grown it into a 14-member operation.

Smart City Tools for Battling a Pandemic

Ranked as the smartest city in the world, the pressure was on for Singapore to leverage on smart technology to help fight the deadly pandemic known as Covid-19. A group of SMU Smart-City Management and Technology majors came together to ... Read More

#HI2020: Follow Your Heart with Chan Huang Suan

It takes considerable courage to leave a job you don’t identify with, especially amidst rising unemployment. SMU Bachelor in Science (IT) alumnus Chan Huang Suan took the plunge, and is today a step closer to his life goal, thanks to his new job.

Adventures Within the Great Wall

Once regarded as backward and undeveloped, China is today poised to become the next tech and innovation powerhouse. Find out how three SMU students rode on its waves to gain eye-opening experiences through internships in the Chinese startup industry.

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