Student Tips

Advice for the Discretionarily Admitted Student

The SMU Blog - Advice for the Discretionarily Admitted Student
Now more than ever, polytechnics and universities (SMU included) are admitting students based on merits beyond academic grades. But what does it really mean to be accepted on discretionary grounds? First-year Information Systems student Sean Koh shares ... Read More

SMU: The Inside Scoop (Part 2)

What are the seminar-style lessons really like? Why do so many SMU students go overseas for study missions, exchange programmes and more? In this blog post, get an insider's look at what truly makes SMU a Different U.

SMU: The Inside Scoop (Part 1)

In this post, you'll get an insider's take on everything that you wanted to know about SMU but weren't sure who to ask! Answers provided by our always-helpful SMU Ambassadorial Corps.

University Admissions Vocabulary 102

Once you start your university applications process, you'll encounter more and more unfamiliar terms that lead you deeper down the rabbit hole. Check out the second part of our guide to the odder terms that you might have come across.

University Admissions Vocabulary 101

The process of applying to university comes with a number of terms that may strike you as unfamiliar. In this post, we help you shed light on some commonly-encountered words and phrases related to university admissions.

How to Choose Your University

Choosing which university to attend is akin to choosing your way of life for four entire years. Here are some areas of consideration for your university selection process.

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