Student Life

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Ng Zhe Bin


Ng Zhe Bin, an incoming freshman at SMU, is passionate about shuffle dance, jump rope, and history, particularly WWII and the Cold War. Drawn to SMU for its seminar-style classes and small class sizes that foster active debates and discussions, he also values the university’s emphasis on communication skills. Zhe Bin looks forward to engaging in campus activities and building lasting friendships.

Staying physically active is paramount to Zhe Bin‘s lifestyle, and he channels his energy into mastering shuffle dance and jump rope techniques. A self-proclaimed history buff, he finds solace in delving into the intricacies of past events, particularly those surrounding WWII and the Cold War. Zhe Bin’s thirst for knowledge extends beyond textbooks; he embraces cultural exploration through travel, enriching his understanding of the world.


While he enjoys playing rhythm games, Zhe Bin also likes bonding with loved ones over a game of mahjong in his free time. 


The biggest draw to SMU


For Zhe Bin, what drew him to SMU was its seminar-style classes. Having visited various university open houses and taking part in their sample classes, he observed that the small class sizes and seminar-style format at SMU facilitated deeper learning: “The professors at SMU encourage students to voice their opinions on the various topics covered in class, instead of providing the answers straight up, thus fostering active debates and discussions.



The SMU experience


Besides the seminar-style classes, another pull factor for Zhe Bin was SMU graduates’ renowned proficiency in communication and presentation. This reputation reflects the university’s interactive pedagogy, which prioritises active student engagement and the refinement of soft skills alongside academic learning. 


Looking forward to the future


Zhe Bin is eagerly anticipating the start of the school year and diving into CCAs and campus activities. “I am certainly excited to explore the area around and within the school campus, and to meet new people who I can forge lasting friendships with,” he enthuses.



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