Student Life

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Isaac Koh


Passionate about programming, incoming freshman Isaac Koh has previously helped develop a digital stamping application during his time at Nanyang Polytechnic. Drawn to SMU’s seminar-style classes and focus on real-world experiences, Isaac hopes to develop strong communication skills and lasting friendships during his time at SMU. He also looks forward to exploring the various food options around the campus.

Meet Isaac, a young man of simple pleasures. He finds pure delight in the humble pleasure of a well-prepared plate of chicken rice, and good food in all its forms. “I can’t wait to explore all the chicken rice options available both on and around the SMU campus,” he enthuses.


Besides being a bona fide foodie, Isaac is deeply passionate about programming. During his time at Nanyang Polytechnic, he had helped to design and develop a digital stamping application that was used at the poly’s past two open house events. With thousands of users, the app not only helped streamline processes but also reduced the need for paper-based stamp cards. Talk about sustainable! 


The biggest draw to SMU


Isaac’s decision to choose SMU was largely influenced by its seminar-style classes. “Learning in a small class setting is the perfect opportunity to not only help me develop more robust communication skills, but also to build lasting relationships with my fellow classmates,” quips Isaac.



The SMU experience


Isaac also sees great value in SMU’s emphasis on real-world experiences, recognising how it will prepare him for the collaborative nature of the professional world. “This will equip me with the skills and connections necessary for success in my future career endeavours,” he notes confidently. 


Looking forward to the future


Naturally, Isaac is most excited about exploring the myriad food options around the SMU campus, from indulging in mala to discovering new favourites beyond chicken rice. He’s also eager to cultivate lasting friendships and connections during his time at SMU.




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