Student Life

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2024 – Ally Tan


Ally Tan, an incoming freshman at SMU, enjoys playing the drums and appreciates the employability of SMU graduates, which she believes reflects the holistic education offered. She is drawn to SMU's central location in the city for its vibrant energy and opportunities. Ally is looking forward to engaging in university life and participating in various campus activities.

A self-professed boomer with a youthful twist, Ally is unabashedly unfamiliar with the latest chart-topping tunes, and chooses not to stay up to date with viral memes on social media. She’s not exactly fluent in Gen-Z lingo either, often relying on her friends to decode the latest slang for her.  


Yet, Ally is at ease with and even grateful for being different from the rest of her peers. “It has offered me a refreshing outlook on life and shaped me into a much more embracing person,” quips Ally.


In her free time, she also enjoys playing the drums, a craft she has been honing since the tender young age of four. Despite over a decade of dedication, Ally knows that mastery is an endless pursuit. For her, drumming is more than just music – it’s a pathway for growth and appreciation for diversity.


The biggest draw to SMU


One of the main reasons that drew Ally to SMU is the employability of SMU graduates. To her, this is testament to the holistic nature of an SMU education. “SMU places a strong focus on shaping students into not only more skilled but engaged and aware individuals in society.” 



The SMU experience


SMU’s strategic location in the middle of the city is another enticing factor for Ally. Here, she’s able to immerse herself in the dynamic and bustling energy of the city. “It’s not just about accessibility; it’s about embracing the diversity and endless opportunities this environment offers,” Ally reflects.


Looking forward to the future


Ally eagerly anticipates the colourful university life that SMU is known for, and the myriad student activities and events that are held on campus. Of course, the plethora of food options all around are just as exciting to consider.



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How important is the role of diversity in learning environments?
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How important is the role of diversity in learning environments?


Ready for a vibrant student life in the heart of the city? Learn more about SMU's offerings here!  



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