Student Life

Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2023 – Benjamin Lee


Benjamin Lee, incoming SMU Bachelor of Accountancy student and national badminton player, embraces SMU’s vibrant campus and interactive learning. His drive to excel led him to pursue a double degree in accountancy and business management, drawn by SMU’s seminar-style classes and central location with access to diverse culinary delights.

As anyone who has stepped into its verdant grounds might attest, the SMU campus is infused with a vibrant energy, a melting pot where lively discussions thrive. It is here where innumerable paths intersect as students come together to sharpen future-ready skills that can help realise their dreams and ambitions.


National badminton player and incoming SMU Bachelor of Accountancy freshman Benjamin Lee is one of the new faces that you might see around campus.


“To me, the thrill of badminton comes from when you’re on the court, trying to solve a problem,” says Benjamin, who graduated from the Singapore Sports School (SSP).


“Things can get pretty intense during a game, where you have to read the court and find the strategy that will let you play better against your opponent.”


This strategic outlook is clearly demonstrated by his hunger to learn. With the university offering double degrees and guaranteed second majors, Benjamin has jumped at the chance to pursue a double degree in both accountancy and business management.


He shares: “Once I’ve set my mind on a goal, I’ll be very driven to achieve it. It doesn’t matter if there are setbacks along the way—I make sure I keep at it until I succeed.”


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Do you think it's possible to successfully balance academic studies and an athletic career?
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Do you think it's possible to successfully balance academic studies and an athletic career?

Enjoying the thrill of competing and good eats


And contrary to what one might think, Benjamin’s passion for badminton was not induced by his father Lee Suan Soon, a former national shuttler. If anything, it seemed a natural progression that stemmed from his scholastic environment.


“The badminton culture was quite strong in my primary school, so I ended up playing with my classmates often,” he recalls.


“From there, my interest grew, and I ended up signing up for the badminton CCA.


I found out that I really enjoyed the thrill of competition and winning, so I decided to try and go further. That’s when I enrolled in the SSP, after which I had a lot of opportunities to compete both locally and internationally, which gave me good exposure.”


Candidly, Benjamin shares how there were aspects of his training that he didn’t particularly savour at first, such as running. The sport has grown to be an exercise he has come to enjoy. These days, he goes on runs with his friends, often with the promise of a good meal at the end of their workouts.


“That’s another thing that I’m really looking forward to at SMU,” the avid foodie admits.


“I’ve tried some of the food at SMU and enjoyed it, so I’m glad there is something to look forward to between or after classes. The location also means there’s loads of good food nearby, and the fact that it is in the central business district makes it convenient to find a nice spot to meet up with friends for a meal."


Thriving through classroom interaction


The approach to education at SMU is designed to provide students with an immersive and engaging learning experience. From an interactive pedagogy to practical hands-on learning, SMU strives to equip its students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world.


Benjamin’s decision to pursue his degree at SMU stems largely from the school’s seminar-style classes. Sharing how he decided on SMU as his university of choice, he says, “When I was still at SSP, representatives from SMU visited to speak to the students. From there I learnt about the teaching style of SMU, and I found that aspect similar to what I’ve experienced at SSP.


I was drawn to it because I found that it really clicks with my learning style, and this more interactive method of learning has helped fuel my growth.”


As for what he looks forward to most with the start of the school year?


“The learning,” he quips, without a moment’s hesitation.


“After I finished my IB programme, I went straight into serving my National Service. To be quite honest, my mind has been feeling a little stagnant, so I’m really excited to get started on learning new things and picking up new information.”


Receive a robust and broad-based education while gaining a solid foundation in accounting here at the SMU School of Accountancy



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