Meet Incoming Freshman of SMU 2022 – Ng Ka Mun
Despite challenges with dyslexia, incoming Bachelor of Social Science (Politics, Law, and Economics Major) student Ng Ka Mun has excelled academically, topped her class, and engaged in Model United Nations to tackle global issues. Passionate about crochet, sketching, and manga, she chose SMU for its multidisciplinary approach and seminar-style teaching, which align with her preference for gaining broad societal perspectives.
If there is one thing that stands out in SMU’s latest incoming freshmen cohort, it is how diversity reigns. And while the latest additions to the SMU family hail from different backgrounds and boast varied interests, they all share a common goal: to gain a holistic, engaged and transformative education at this premier university in Asia.
Brimming with enthusiasm, these newcomers also bring with them a wealth of experiences and perspectives. They’re passionate about making a difference, from starting their businesses to working on cutting-edge research projects and volunteering in their local communities.
Join us in extending our warmest welcome to Bachelor of Social Science (Politics, Law, and Economics Major) student Ng Ka Mun, who despite having to cope with the challenges of dyslexia, has thrived in academic environments, including topping her class in secondary school, and receiving several Edusave awards. She also participated in the Model United Nations (MUN) — an academic simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries — in 2016 and 2017, where she researched, formed, and presented her proposals to solve global issues through the lens of her delegated country. Hear from Ka Mun to learn why SMU is the university for her.

What are some of your interests beyond academic goals?
I work on my small business selling crochet products and decorative merchandise in my free time. I also enjoy sketching and reading manga.
Why did you decide on SMU?
I believe that it is vital to gain a broad perspective on issues affecting society. Hence, I was drawn to the multidisciplinary Politics, Law and Economics major offered by the School of Social Sciences. Additionally, SMU’s convenient city campus and seminar-style pedagogy align with my learning preference.
Complete this sentence: I am excited to be a SMUgger because…
I’ll meet like-minded individuals.