Tag Archives: tips

Playing the Medici Trick to Innovate

There are many innovation challenges which cannot be solved by one scientific discipline alone, such as questions relating to health, energy, and climate change. Find out more about how the Medici Board Game can introduce people to the mind-set and logic of ... Read More

What do employers look for?

Your undergraduate years are the best possible time to start acquiring the skills and capabilities that will make you attractive to your future employers. Find out more about the qualities that hiring managers look for in job-seeking graduates.

University Admissions Vocabulary 102

Once you start your university applications process, you'll encounter more and more unfamiliar terms that lead you deeper down the rabbit hole. Check out the second part of our guide to the odder terms that you might have come across.

University Admissions Vocabulary 101

The process of applying to university comes with a number of terms that may strike you as unfamiliar. In this post, we help you shed light on some commonly-encountered words and phrases related to university admissions.

How to Choose Your University

Choosing which university to attend is akin to choosing your way of life for four entire years. Here are some areas of consideration for your university selection process.

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