Monthly Archives: November 2017

Is Asia Creatively Challenged?

Asia isn't quite the hottest home to innovations these days—and it seems that culture might be related to this, says SMU Assoc Prof Roy Chua.

Coping with Anxiety

It's not unusual to feel the heat when having to juggle multiple activities and looming deadlines. Here are some tips to help you listen to your body and avoid letting the anxiety become unmanageable.

Seeing the Rohingya Crisis as a Whole

Is international interference really helping in the resolution of the Rohingya crisis? Or will international pressures on Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar further aggravate a highly complex and delicate situation?

To Win on Kickstarter, Don’t Look Too Innovative

Creators are taking to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter to help turn their ideas into a real business. But are crowds really better than traditional funding bodies at identifying what is truly innovative?

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